segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

O Despertar de Martunis
6 de Setembro, O Regresso às Aulas!


01 - Saved by the bell - Tv Themes
02 - Julie Doiron - I Woke Myself Up [Woke Myself Up, 2007]
03 - I'm from Barcelona - Oversleeping [Let Me Introduce Myself, 2006]
04 - Loveninjas - Keep Your Love [Keep Your Love, 2006]
05 - Belle and Sebastian - Piazza New York Catcher [Dear Catastrophe Waitress, 2003]
06 - Kevin Drew - TBTF [Spirit If... , 2008]
07 - The New Pornographers - Myriad Harbor [Chalengers, 2007]
08 - The Dodos - Fables [Time to Die, 2009]
09 - Sargasso Trio - The Drum [Burnin' Burnin' Burnin', 2008]
10 - Action Biker - La Conjugation Pour Tous [Elephant & Castle, 2003]
11 - Cars Can Be Blue - You Are So Cute [All The Stuff We Do, 2005]
12 - British Sea Power - How Will I Ever Find My Way Home? [Open Season, 2005]
13 - El Perro del Mar - God Knows (You Got to Give To Get) [El Perro Del Mar, 2006]
14 - Sambassadeur - Kate [Coastal Affairs EP, 2006]
15 - Pikelet - Weakest Link [Stem, 2010]
16 - Ronderlin - Reflected [Wave Another Day Goodbye, 2003]


17 - Yo La Tengo - Periodically Double or Triple [Popular Songs, 2009]
18 - The Curtains - World's Most Dangerous Woman [Calamity, 2006]
19 - Doctor Rockit - You Are The... [Indoor Fireworks, 2000]
20 - Enon - Marbles Explode [Marbles Explode, 2001]
21 - The Whitest Boy Alive - Keep a Secret [Rules, 2009]
22 - Gang Gang Dance - House Jam [Saint Dymphna, 2008]
23 - Moldy Peaches - Jorge Regula [Moldy Peaches, 2001]
24 - Yeasayer - Wintertime [All Our Cymbals, 2007]
25 - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Over and Over Again (Lost & Found) [homónimo, 2005]
26 - Twin Sister - Ginger [Vampires With Dreaming Kids, 2008]
27 - Savoir Adore - The Scientific Findings of Dr.Rosseau [homónimo, 2008]
28 - Cults - Go Outside [Cults 7", 2012]
29 - Beck Record Club - Devil Inside (INXS cover feat. Liars, Os Mutantes e St.Vincent)
30 - Givers - Up Up Up [LP promo, 2010]
31 - TV On the Radio - I Was a Lover [Return to Cookie Mountain, 2006]

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